She would love to pack winter up in a little brown parcel tied with a bright pink ribbon and send it away. This seems like a big feat but it's time for some freshness in the stale air that has been surrounding her...gathering a sense of heaviness that almost chokes her when she tries to speak. She wants to be caught in the rain on a warm spring day - to feel the wetness on her skin as it washes away everything that is old.
Let's do some SPRING CLEANING starting with our closets.
"Closets are supposed to be a place to store the clothes, accessories, and shoes we wear. Many that we see look like archeological digs, filled with layers of stuff from days past. Others are more selective; they remind us of scrapbooks documenting a woman's life. You accumulate and hold on to all that stuff in your closet because of emotions, past attachments, or present challenges. - Judie Taggart & Jackie Walker
Go to your closet and look inside. What are the emotional reasons you hoard stuff? Memories? Potential? Ego boosting? Fear? Aspirations? Comfort? By acknowledging this, it makes it easier to get rid of things you really don't need. I used to have a difficult time getting rid of old clothes. I'd always think...
what if it comes back into fashion...or what if i need it one day... you know what? that day never comes.
This is a huge exercise in learning to let go which we can also apply in our daily lives. I go through my closet once or twice a year(usually more often when i feel my life is in a transistion) & ask myself if everything hanging in your closet is really ME? Can I wear this NOW? Not, I can wear this when I'm 5 pounds lighter again...etc. After clearing out my closet and donating my old clothes, I find it so much easier to put outfits together. I dont have to go through a whole bunch of emotional clutter. When you get rid of things that no longer serve you, you make more room for positive things that align with what you want and who you are.
Here is a exercise you can do to help you along the way. It's from the book "I Don't Have A Thing To Wear":
Step1. Take a piece of paper and draw a circle. From this circle you are going to create a pie chart which will be divided into sections. Each slice will be based on your life's activities.
Step2. On a separate piece of paper list he activities you preform on a daily basis. Example: Work, Weekend, Evenings, Social, Casual, Exercise. Under these categories, write what you wear while you are preforming it. For your Exercise slice write what you wear to the gym, or to yoga class. For your work slice write down what you wear to work...etc
Step3. Determine the time you spend on each activity in a month. Return to your circle and divide it into slices according to the percentages you spend on each activity
Step4. Now take your circle and go to your closet. Separate the clothing you actually wear into the categories that correspond to the pie slices. Create a different pie for the items that either dont fit into one of your categories of items that you can't or don't wear.
Step5. Now compare the percentage of clothes in each pile you have created with the percentages of your circle. Do the percentages match? What percentage of the clothes in your closet do you actually wear? 20-40%? If you wear only 20-40% of what is in your closet, how can you dress 100% of your life? Get it?