Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hey guys, just wanted to leave you with a quote before i head off on my little road trip adventure to BC. We are starting off attending a japanese garden wedding, then checking out some vineyards, cherry picking and then making our way to my second home, VANCOUVER for the week!! =)

♥ It's not who you are that holds you back. 

It's who you think you're not ♥


  1. have a great road trip cindee! :)

  2. Have a fun trip! hope to see u later this summer, i'm headed to on an asian adventure for 4 weeks in a few days here xo.

  3. i sure will!! thanks dearies!! =)

    Rozzie: where are you going in Asia? Im so jealous!!

  4. that is a crazy illustration.

  5. Off to Singapore, M'sia, HK and Japan. You had your asia fill a little while ago? one or two years ago? I LOVED your photos, must have been amazing esp memorable photos were the elephant ride, and floating market. :D ttul keep in touch!

  6. awesome...have a nice trip ^^

  7. Thanks for the quote, it was actually really applicable to my life right now! I hope you have a great trip!


  8. Hopefully this move is a permanent one :) Looks like everythings going well and have fun!

  9. hey! thanks for the comment lol!

    I have some of the mac's hello kitty lipstick and tinted lip conditioner. the lipstick is like garish on me.. I just need to apply the right amount. I haven't used the lip conditioner yet but I can't wait!

    and pink is awesome. best color ever lol


hi luv. speak your mind...whisper your secrets...kiss your words as you blow them into my ears

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