The highlight of 2008 for me was my trip overseas. Malaysia, Thailand and Bali. So lets start with my roots...Malaysia.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
So we were in KL for most of our trip. Did a lot of shopping and eating! I love how nicely designed their cafes and restaurants are. Some even had themes. I felt so inspired being around all this stimuli. Im quite surprised that ppl back in Malaysia are quite thin considering all the delicious foods and desserts they are surrounded by. If I were to eat like that here in North America I would gain so much weight.
Funny and my sister tried doing hot yoga when we were in Sibu and let's just say it was an interesting experience. Im not sure what part was considered yoga... maybe the stretches before the weird stomping around aerobic moves they made us do. We tried so hard to keep from laughing. =P
So here we are outside the Pyramid mall. The mall was designed and created to look like an actual Pyramid. The decor was extravagant...well I'd have to say a lot of the malls In KL are spectacular. There is a resort at the back of this mall called Sunway Lagoon.
And along the outside of the Pyramid were some pretty nice lounges and clubs. Here are a few of them. We ended up clubbing one night at Coco Banana.

Oh and let's not forget the shopping....KLCC and Pavilion(pretty new mall) are just full of brandname stores... this is how I learned that Paris Hilton has her own line of handbags. I wasnt very impressed. I was advised by my cousin that the best place to get authentic(i had to add this adjective bcos we all know that asia sells alot of the fake stuff) brandnames in Asia is in HongKong. It's cheaper there because of the taxes. Besides branded items, there are plenty of other malls and markets to check out (MidValley Megamall, One Utama...)

Funny and my sister tried doing hot yoga when we were in Sibu and let's just say it was an interesting experience. Im not sure what part was considered yoga... maybe the stretches before the weird stomping around aerobic moves they made us do. We tried so hard to keep from laughing. =P
So here we are outside the Pyramid mall. The mall was designed and created to look like an actual Pyramid. The decor was extravagant...well I'd have to say a lot of the malls In KL are spectacular. There is a resort at the back of this mall called Sunway Lagoon.
And along the outside of the Pyramid were some pretty nice lounges and clubs. Here are a few of them. We ended up clubbing one night at Coco Banana.

Oh and let's not forget the shopping....KLCC and Pavilion(pretty new mall) are just full of brandname stores... this is how I learned that Paris Hilton has her own line of handbags. I wasnt very impressed. I was advised by my cousin that the best place to get authentic(i had to add this adjective bcos we all know that asia sells alot of the fake stuff) brandnames in Asia is in HongKong. It's cheaper there because of the taxes. Besides branded items, there are plenty of other malls and markets to check out (MidValley Megamall, One Utama...)

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